Monday, February 14, 2005

Nasty Chuck Sleeps Standing Up

Charlie Weis is back in South Bend for good, starting today. What better way to kick off his full-time employment at Notre Dame than to get up at 6:00 a.m. and address the students? I didn't attend, as I was unaware that there was a 6:00 a.m., but from the quotes I've read, Nasty Chuck sounded pumped. Among his better moments:

  1. "I'm 48 years old, I've never been in a program that's lost. Every where I've been, we've won. It hasn't been because of me. But I've been part of the reason we've won."
  2. About bringing a National Championship to the Irish: "It's not going to take as long as some other people think."
  3. ". . . I can tell you one thing, every week we're going to be competitive."
  4. "I've been groomed by [Bill Parcells and Bill Belichick] over the years to the point where I think I have a clue of knowing how to run a program."
  5. About Pom-Pom Pete: ". . . [H]e's never really done great against me."
  6. "You don't sit there and make a whole bunch of excuses. Walking in the door, there's too many excuses."
  7. "I intend to be here a long time. I'm not three-and-out. My goal is to be able to leave this campus on my own terms about a decade from now with everyone saying, 'God, I'm glad we hired that guy."'
To quote Flounder, "Oh, boy, this is gonna be great!"

Welcome to South Bend, Nasty Chuck. We have been waiting for you.


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