Thursday, April 14, 2005

Chris Ber-Man Can You Shut the Hell Up?

I had the deepest misfortune of listening to Chris Berman slaughter the game of baseball last night during the Red Sox-Yankee game. How in God's name does this man still have a job? Schtick has its place. If you were an early 1900's Vaudeville comdian, for example, you should definitely have a schtick. When you are a "professional" broadcaster, on the other hand, the only schtick you should have should be a microphone. And you shouldn't use it to molest the game of baseball with hyperbole and idiotic comments. I'm looking at you, Joe Morgan.

Berman, all you Berman-lovers, is a bloated idiot who, if he insists on annoying me with his ESPN broacasts, should at least have the common courtesy to stick to football. He doesn't know the least bit about the game of baseball. His comments are limited to such generic idiocies as, "How can you not like this kid?" And, "Is there a better guy in all of baseball than this guy?" And next time you watch a Berman broadcast (tune in to the ESPN game tonight), listen to his home run call. He only starts his "Backbackbackbackback!" idiocy when the ball has already bounced twice over the outfield fence. Are you that much of an idiot, Chris, that you don't know when a no-doubt home run is gone? A baseball broadcast should be about baseball. I absolutely despise when broadcasters need to make the game more about themselves than about the game of baseball. ESPN, please get a clue and cut this guy loose. The "name" thing wasn't funny when he started it, and it's insanely old now.


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey kermit,

if you're interested, you might want to sign up your site with the Cubs Blog Army. The link is:


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